"The Gift must Travel"

This basic guidance comes from the global permaculture movement. The notion goes beyond reciprocal altruism, which is to do good and support others, in the assumption that they will return the favour some time. Rather, it suggests that if we create a culture of 'I scratch your back even if you never scratch mine' one day when we need our back scratched someone unknown to us will do so.

I have worked with grassroots movements for over 25 years, many of those while earning significantly more in the 'economy of meaning' than the 'economy of money'. I have written over 560 articles and blog posts and shared them freely on my page on Medium and created over 120 hours of conversations with 'Voices of the ReGeneration' and shared them freely on my YouTube Channel. I still spend more than half of my working hours not being paid.

In all these years I have been blessed with an unusual amount of important mentors and teachers. I also had the opportunity to learn from collaborators and communities I engaged with in dozens of countries on six continents. I feel a responsibility to share the gifts I received with others.

Your donation will enable me to keep the gift travelling.

Thank you!

PS: Regular support via Patreon has a very calming effect as it gives me a baseline to support my family and nurture our food forest garden. Since Patreon takes 10%, for one off donations PayPal is the better option. Thank you again for considering my work in the world worthy of support.